Today, more and more attention to gossip rumors is a constant in the media on television shows a number of reality celebrity shows and in print (eg, National Enquirer sales of more than 3 million dollars per week).

refrigerator in the office of the company, meetings, telephone, e-mail in the social environment in and around the water, people spend more time talking about other people - the language is often the most harmful, disruptive, critical,Humiliating and judges - and that the subject exists.
Celebrity Gossip
In the past, we have gossip for fun at work may have been looking for, "inactive" and the joke, gossip sound "sound today hit the by the abuse of violence. Scandal, is actually a form personal attacks. In the talk we've run to act on emotions such as frustration and anger lead to personal liabilityFor gossip and focus on another of our personal problems.
Gossip is a team of emotional eating away of cancer in the workplace and in personal happiness.
A true "team" is one of the characteristics of common values - including honesty, mutual trust and respect. When the increase of the gossip behind these shared values are not available. In fact, if there are rumors in the workplace can be "no" team. Label of "team"Meaningless. Better, but there is a "group."
Contrary to popular opinion, gossip is not benign, it is not laziness, it is not tame, is not "fun." This certainly is not entertainment.
In addition, workplace gossip is not a problem, it is a symptom - it is a lack of spirit, also formed by the body's own thinking. In addition, and prosper workplace culture, gossip, that the lack of good charityOrganization.
Gossip is a truly dangerous and insidious forms of violence themselves at work.
This "violence" is a strong word and in fact, generally associated with personal attacks.
Random House Dictionary of English song "distorted language and violence." So while we consider this act of violence, and we do not talk, that gossip in the context of the words often lead to pain and suffering injuries.
In my "Gossip - a formViolence at Work "workshop, which is defined as gossip," in any language, is the most harmful, dangerous, critical, demeaning and determine - without the presence of a person who is the subject or target. Conversation and
Gandhi's nonviolence as it relates to our natural state of love and compassion - if not in our hearts and our minds violence. In fact, rumors that do not exist, or even impossible to determine if we have our natural resourcesThe acceptance, compassion and tolerance.
So when it comes to gossip at work is important to consider the environment to explore not only the symptoms and causes of violence at work, this special.
Also find the roots, but also began with a powerful question: "I chose to do, rumors Why?
One way to answer this question, history is on our excited chatter. If the rumors now our part of the character and personality,It is a good opportunity, and we are accustomed to work, wiring, gossip, gossip that we are a part of our day to bring everyone.
Explore our story about the conversation, reflect on our past work and now the rumors are, at home and play, we ask three questions:
1. What I like the experience of a people, the gossip?
2. What is my experience as a gossip is someone who was a target? Y
3. InOn a scale of 1-10, taking the measure to chat with more time and energy?
Honest and responsible for responding to these questions can give us the instincts and the information, we can get an idea of our personal relationship with the gossip and every inch.
The second way to explore "Why do I gossip?" The problem is we have to do the sex scandal - in other words, what is our motivation gossip.
In other words, "WhyI am willing (consciously or unconsciously) to cause damage, pain, anger or pain to vote? "The old WIIFM (" What am I? ") Problem.
Because we have a born gossip, gossip is what our development as individuals, the power of a wish, drink, or obsessed with an act of participation in such or as a poison?
The short answer is that each of us grow in the three basic psychological and social needs: the need for control and security needsDo you need to be acknowledged.
The reality is that, like many of us who control our lives or do not pay enough attention, recognition and accreditation, or your own sense of uncertainty, our approach is to find out the "feel good" and "feeling better" life and our world. Although there are many ways these three requirements must be met, the most visible and shocking, we worked on these three requirements will be chatting.
In other words,Gossip concerns about your own life, another person or activity, the key is that they were betrayed by their judgments, which are in their dishonesty and their behavior, we feel that we are an upgrade, its the.
So if we experience low self-esteem, insecurity, inadequate or lack of emotion when we as a "person" and the need for a feeling you can feel "human", we often have an idea of theControl, support, approve or engage in gossip and discussion and approval of security.
Therefore, it is a sincere honest and responsible for your own:
Why do I gossip?
Why do I gossip?
Why, really, truly, I gossip?
Why, really, truly, I gossip?
Gossip is what I?
What, really, really let me gossip?
What, really, really do not gossipI?
What, really, really, really, really let me gossip?
... We can begin to explore the causes for us to gossip, why we chose to make the workplace gossip in the workplace violence and infiltration in our often wonder why many of us feel good in trying to gossip about others at the expense of the conscious or unconscious.
(C) 2006, Dr. Peter Vajda all G Media All rights reserved.
Gossip - build a violence at work (part II)
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