Celebrity Gossip

Gossips Daily

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Impact Fame Has on the Personal Life of a Celebrity

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Celebrities have a huge impact on peoples' lives in the world today. A lot of people can't go through one day without checking the web, or their favorite celebrity magazine to read about the latest celebrity gossip, and the most up to the minute juicy tidbit of news about their favorite famous person. Celebrities can range from an actor or actress, singer, writer, movie producer or director, or reality show contestant. There are also people who are famous for "being famous", such as Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie.

Most people just gobble up any item of "news" that they can get about their favorite celebrities. It is too easy to focus on someone else's problems, so you don't have to give attention to your own difficulties! What these people don't think about is the fact that the more they read about and purchase information about these celebrities, the less privacy these people have in their lives. It's really no wonder that the majority of celebrities out there today mess up do often - they are under a serious amount of pressure!

When someone finally reaches "celebrity status" in today's world, it is great at first. They start to get recognized on the street every now and again, and every once in a while, they will get a meal for free just because the restaurant owner or manager is a big fan of the television show that they appear on. After a while, however, after they have climbed higher on the celebrity ladder, it gets to be not so much fun for these people. The paparazzi follow them everywhere they go, usually taking very awful and embarrassing pictures that cause fans to think that they are anorexic or pregnant or near death. The paparazzi don't just follow them on the street, but they also hide in trees near these celebrities' homes, taking pictures of their private, personal lives and printing them for the entire world to see the next day.

Being in the public eye so much definitely has a huge impact on the personal lives of our celebrities. When you think about it, if you could not leave your house to take a walk, or go to the local café for a latte without being swamped by cameras and reporters, your life wouldn't be much of a life either! Celebrities also receive phone calls every now and again from worried friends and relatives who see the tabloids in the grocery store and think that their friend or relative is dead or terminally ill, or about to split up with their spouse. The tabloids and magazines pretty much have a 100% record of being completely untrue, but people still worry!

Even when celebrities want to get married, they sometimes have to choose a spouse who is also in the public eye, because when someone is not used to the cameras and craziness, it can be too much for them to handle, along with a new marriage. Also, any person made famous from a movie, Reality TV show or game show who dates a non famous person, cannot help but wonder if their significant other would want to be with them if they were not a celebrity. When celebrities do get married and have children, life is harder for their families as well because of their parents' celebrity status.

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